Its expansion Crossworlds adds more random factors and a handful of quests in addition to two small campaigns. Armored Princess improves the skill trees, units, spells, and overall balance that was found in KB:tL. Fortunately, the developers have provided an almost limitless array of offensive and defensive abilities and spells to compliment your raw physical power. Whether you choose Warrior, Paladin, or Mage, you will very likely lose units (sometimes many) as you engage in battle with wandering armies.

KB is mostly about minimizing losses in battle.

Though you won't find spoilers here, some tips might make the journey more smooth. If you are a newcomer to KB, it's advised you read through this before your first playthrough. King's Bounty: Armored Princess (and its expansion Crossworlds) is the fantastic followup (more like v1.5 than 2.0) to the RPG King's Bounty: The Legend, with combat almost identical in mechanics to that in the beloved turn-based strategy series Heroes of Might & Magic (which was of course based on the original King's Bounty roughly two decades ago).